Wednesday, 4 March 2015

Best Hair Masks For Dry And Damaged Hair

Your hair can reflect your overall personality and appearance. If you have dry and damaged hair, they can simply ruin your appearance. Everyone wants to have smooth and silky hair but oftentimes we have seen people fail to have so because of their negligence and lack of care. This ultimately results in dry and damaged hair. If you are of those people, you must continue reading this short article. We are going to tell you some of the most effective hair mask recipes that will do a miracle to your hair.

Mostly people think that hair masks are a mess to make and expensive to afford but not all of them. Following hair masks won’t cost you a fortune and are highly effective, so don’t hesitate to try them since they are very simple and you can make them at home.
Following are some recipes of highly recommended hair masks you can prepare at home. Therefore, you do not need to rush to salons and spend money and time.

Egg and Yogurt Mask:
Egg and yogurt mask is very simple to make at home. All you need is to mix both ingredients. Then add one-quarter cup of mayonnaise in it and mix well. Then massage your hair and scalp with the mask until your hair get wet. Cover your hair with a plastic head cover or wrap. Leave it on your head for an hour or so and then wash your hair with regular shampoo and conditioner. It is good to wash your hair with cold water.

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